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作为国内最早开发出Wi-Fi感知设备并结合数据挖掘将其应用在零售领域的领军者, 芝麻科技拥有该项技术在中国的国家发明专利,与阿里巴巴,腾讯,中国移动,中国电信, 群邑集团,品友互动,个推,德勤咨询等一批业内领军企业缔结战略合作关系。创始人朱智入选2014年 《福布斯》中文版“中国30位30岁以下创业者”榜单,2015年《快公司》中国商业创意人物100等荣誉。

目前,芝麻科技已经在全国覆盖10万余消费生活场所,覆盖中国约7亿部移动设备,日处理数据百亿条,服务宝洁,欧莱雅, 惠氏,达能,北汽,日产,碧桂园,欧时力等国内外知名企业,在母婴,化妆品,汽车,房产,时尚等行业拥有丰富的经验和数据能力。

芝麻科技于2013年首创了线下无感知技术,2014年首批开发并应用商用云管理智能设备, 2015年率先实现线上线下数据联通,并与阿里巴巴联合发布零售智能数据服务,2016年芝麻科技已形成国内最大的线下数据库并发布线下数据管理平台, 涉及基础客流分析,消费者画像,精准营销DMP等多个维度的应用服务。

About Zhimatech

Zhimatech is a leading offline data tech company in China, we help retail enterprises set up and upgrade smart business with data management and marketing services since 2013.

We focus on consumer offline data collection and refined analysis, improve business efficiency by data services. As the first inventor of Wi-Fi sensing device, Zhimatech awarded one National Patent and 11 software licenses in China. Recently, Zhimatech is building FICUS-offline big data DMP, and now we own over 100,000 nodes and 700 million mobile devices, processing more than 100 million data records on a daily basis.

The consumer behavior data obtained by this technology is authentic, dynamic of a large scale, and rooted deeply to business demands. It works on consumer flow analysis, consumer insight, personalized service, precision marketing and other intelligent commercials, hence to improve business efficiency and consumer experience.

Zhimatech partnered with Alibaba to innovate a smart shopping guide system based on consumer portraits. To date, Zhimatech is in partnerships with a variety of renowned brands across different industries including Tencent, China Mobile, China Telecom, Deloitte, GroupM and iPinyou.



芝麻科技(南京芝麻信息科技有限公司) 创始人CEO



朱智先生创立的芝麻科技成为国内领先的线下大数据服务公司,目前已达到10万节点,7亿终端规模,日处理数据上亿。与阿里巴巴,腾讯,中国移动,中国电信, 群邑集团,品友互动,个推,德勤咨询等一批业内领军企业缔结战略合作关系。


凭借在数据化智能化方向的勇敢探索与专注挖掘,朱智先生曾入选2014年 《福布斯》中文版“中国30位30岁以下创业者”榜单,获得中国营销人才高峰论坛组委会颁发的《2014社会化营销品牌人物奖》,2015年《快公司》中国商业创意人物100等荣誉。



George Zhu

Founder & CEO, Zhimatech

George Zhu is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Zhimatech. A leading offline data tech company in China, Zhimatech helps retail enterprises set up and upgrade smart business with data management and marketing services since 2013.

As an innovator of Wi-Fi sensing devices, Zhimatech utilized variety of approaches on offline data commercialization. The company was awarded one National Patent and 11 software licenses in China. Currently, Zhimatech owns over 100,000 nodes and 700 million mobile devices, processing more than 100 million data records on a daily basis.

Committed to smart business development, Zhimatech invented an intelligent consumer analysis system to help retail businesses, and partnered with Alibaba to innovate a smart shopping guide system based on consumer portraits. Zhimatech also provides precision marketing services to increase physical store traffic growth. To date, Zhimatech is in partnerships with a variety of renowned brands across different industries including Tencent, China Mobile, China Telecom, Deloitte, GroupM and iPinyou.

In 2014, George won the “30 under 30” award by Forbes China and the “Most Creative Person in Business” award by Fast Company in 2015.

George was awarded the third prize of the National College Student Electronic Design Contest and the third prize of the China Robotics Contest respectively when he was still in university.

He was a torch bearer in Beijing Olympic Games 2008.

George holds a Master Degree in Automation at Nanjing University of Science and Technology.

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